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Pigeon Removal Long Island
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If you are dealing with a pigeon issue and require their removal, there are several steps you can take:1. Identify the root cause: Pigeons are drawn to areas where they can find food and water. Ensure that you clean up any spills or leftovers. Pigeons also prefer to roost in places that offer shelter, such as attics, eaves, and rooftops.

2. Block their entry: Prevent pigeons from entering your premises by sealing any gaps or openings. This includes closing cracks and crevices, installing mesh screens or netting, and placing barriers over surfaces where pigeons may land.

3. Use deterrents: You can use various deterrents to discourage pigeons from roosting in a specific area. Options include bird spikes, which make it challenging for pigeons to land or sit on a surface, visual deterrents such as reflective tape or scarecrows, and sound deterrents like ultrasonic devices.

4. Get professional assistance from Innovative Termite and Pest Control: Before your pigeon problem becomes severe, it may be necessary to seek our help.  We can provide more advanced solutions and assist you in removing the pigeons safely and efficiently.

Birds have unfortunately become a nuisance when they associate too closely with people. Birds can be nuisances, transmit diseases and deface structures.

As nuisances, birds frequently deposit their manure indiscriminately on sidewalks, buildings, statues and cars just to name a few. The droppings can permanently stain these structures.

The pigeon is the most familiar bird to most everyone and has become the most serious urban bird pest.

We can treat problem areas where birds roost or sitting with spikes, netting, 4 The Birds, wire mesh, fill gaps where birds are entering building.

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